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Sage Grouse
Habitat Conservation

Ranchers in Crook County voluntarily pledged to enroll over a quarter million acres of sage-grouse habitat in the CCAA program.  Crook SWCD is now working with these landowners to develop long-term plans that align their operational goals with conservation measures that will improve sage-grouse habitat. 

The key benefit of enrolling a ranch in a CCAA is that we capitalizes on ecological potential of the land as well as the management objectives of the operation. A plan contains conservation measures to treat threats to sage-grouse and improve grazing management. Landowners who enroll in the CCAA receive an agreement from US Fish and Wildlife Service that their land will not be subject to additional regulations if sage-grouse are listed. 

Our work in Crook and Deschutes counties in conjunction with CCAA programs in Harney, Lake, Baker and Malheur counties are a contributing factor to the continuing decision by USFWS to not have an ESA listing for Greater sage-grouse. 


Our collective effort on private lands across the state is called the Oregon All Counties Sage-Grouse Committee and we are working together for the benefit of sage steppe ecosystems which includes the people who live and work there.


Click below to view our guiding documents, including the Strategic Action Plan and governance document.


Water Quality

The Oregon Department of Agriculture and Crook SWCD are strong partners in enhancing water quality throughout the county. Our current Focus Area is the Camp Creek  watershed where we are working to prioritize restoration needs.   

Water quality projects address a variety of concerns including stream temperature, runoff, and bank erosion.  Some of the tools we use include: spring developments, off-site watering systems, riparian plantings, juniper treatments, bank stabilization, and weed treatments.  These efforts contribute to the health of our shared watersheds.

Click to review the

Crooked River Ag Water Quality Plan


Water Quality


The priorities of local restoration include:

  • instream processes

  • upland function 

  • water quality

Examples of previously funded projects

  • juniper treatments

  • forest thinning

  • riparian fencing

  • off-channel watering systems

  • weed treatment

  • riparian plantings

Check out examples of the small grant projects we've completed. 

Small Grants
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